Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Master Morality vs. Slave Morality Neiztche - 867 Words

Master Morality vs. Slave Morality: Neiztche Wikipedia defines morality as â€Å"a system of principles and judgments based on cultural, religious, and philosophical concepts and beliefs, by which humans determine whether given actions are right or wrong.† (Wikipedia Morality) Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche, a German philosopher thought up of the idea that there are two moralities; The master and slave morality. These define a person by there actions to there world around them and how they handle certain situations they encounter throughout their natural life. I believe he chose these two because they seem to be strong opposites and there are rational. The first morality Nietzsche writes about is the master morality. Nietzsche defined†¦show more content†¦The slave regards the virtues of beauty, power, strength and wealth as â€Å"evil† in an act of revenge against those who have them in abundance. Slave morality is therefore a reactionary morality because â₠¬Å"good† does not spring creatively from the individual but develops as a negation of the values of the powerful (Wikipedia). The good person would questions his own worth by thinking about the evil in which would be defining the two as good and evil. Opposingly, the bad would consider what was good. So, slave morality is defined by â€Å"good† and â€Å"evil† while master morality is defined by â€Å"good† and â€Å"bad.† Nietzsche remarks on how different the concepts of â€Å"evil† and â€Å"bad† are, in spite of both being considered the opposite of â€Å"good.† He explains this difference by explaining that there are two very different concepts of â€Å"good† at work: The noble man’s â€Å"good† is precisely what the man of ressentiment calls â€Å"evil† (Alderman). One of the main themes Nietzsche wrote about was how the master morality the foundation to the ancient romans, and that this moral ity disappeared as the slave morality of Christianity spread through ancient Rome. Nietzsche was concerned with the state of European culture during his natural life and therefore focused much of his study on the history of master and slave morality within Europe.

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